Can I Sue for Reckless Endangerment, Damages, And Hit And Run?

If our cars or lives are put in danger by some careless drivers, and if our lives and cars are insured, some of the best insurance companies, depending on which insurance company you’re committed to, will come to your aid and fix the damages so long as it’s in line with their terms and conditions.

But what happens when there’s no insurance? Even when there’s insurance, does it mean one can’t press charges against such reckless endangerment? Should we fold our hands and let them have their way? There have been opinions and views shared as regards the right to sue for endangerment on review websites like You can visit the site and see what others are saying.

What reckless endangerment, damages and hit and run means

A reckless endangerment situation is where either through a fault of yours or another, you put the life of someone else or their properties at risk, or your actions lead to any form of destruction. In this situation, the question of damages and who settles the bill for the damages may arise if one does not have an insurance backing.

It is more serious in the case of a hit and runs when through reckless driving, someone gets hit and instead of stopping the car to check on the injured person, the driver continues driving. This is considered a crime, and the victim can sue, but there’s a clause.

What to do in situations of endangerment, damages or hit and

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