3 Things To Remember If You’re Arrested

Life is complicated, and your path may cross with that of law enforcement, resulting in you being detained or even arrested. What should you do from here?

Keep Calm

Keep your hands visible, and don’t make sudden movements. Don’t fight or run. If they ask for your name, give it to them. Unless you are a nonimmigrant tourist, that is the only question you legally have to answer.

Ask if you are being arrested and if they say no, ask if you can leave. If they are arresting you, you may tell them that you choose to remain silent and won’t speak without a lawyer present.

Verbally expressing non-consent to a pat-down won’t stop it from happening, but having done so may help you later in court.

Know Your Options

Do not sign or comment on anything without advice from your lawyer first. If hiring a lawyer is financially out … Read More ...