power and success

What is the primary reason behind the fact that women don’t represent the top corporate world proportionally as men? Is it because they don’t want to experience power and success? Or is it because of the fact that women lack the appetite and ambition needed for power that is required to move up the ladder of success? Women are not represented proportionally at the upper levels of the businesses. While women constitute 47.6% of the Fortune 500 workforce and 52% of middle management, in these companies they represent just 15% of the executive officers, 7.5% of the highest paid and 4% of all the CEOs.

If you delve deeper, you will see that there are lots of theories on why women don’t get selected for higher positions or why they stall out while climbing the organizational ladder. The workplace and offices usually recognize and value masculine over feminine ways of … Read More ...

Due to the rise of online brokerages, trading stocks has become more accessible, smooth, and cost-effective than ever before. The old way was relying on a stock broker to make all of your decisions for you. Today, you are able to trade stocks online with the click of a mouse, and make decisions for yourself.

That’s not to say there isn’t any risk in getting involved with stocks. You’ll have to become knowledgable with trading technology, trading strategies, and day-to-day reports to have success.

The concept behind trading stocks is simple. When you take ownership of a stock, you are hoping that ownership of that stock becomes more desirable in the future. As it becomes more desirable, others who are interested in the stock will be willing to spend more and more money to own it.fxtrade777.com This desire can be due to a number of reasons, such as the … Read More ...


Skills development and employment equity are fundamental to running a successful business. These also ensure a solid socioeconomic future for South Africa.


What is the purpose of an employment equity report?


To comply with the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 it is mandatory for registered businesses to submit an employment equity report to the Department of Labour. Employers are responsible for observing the Act and inclusively reporting the ways in which they have done so.


This involves logging the employees into their designated groups according to the B-BBEE specifications: race, gender and disability are marked characteristics that are discerned. The employees’ current occupation is recorded and they are assigned groups:


•   Africans
•   Coloureds
•   Indians
•   Whites
•   Males
•   Females


The occupational levels of these individuals must be recorded. Levels include:


•    Top Management
•    Senior Management
•    Professionally Qualified… Read More ...

There are numerous issues with a ton of job boards that put individuals off when utilizing them as well as delude the competitor when they are hunting down a vocation. One noteworthy issue that most occupation boards do is intended to be everything to all individuals. While many graduate online board heads would believe that providing food for all would support the volume of postings, which it would, as far as exactness and finding the correct contender for the part may come as a gigantic cost. More particular employment boards will demonstrate considerably more effective than nonspecific online boards.

The leading job board advertising is the ones that focused to a particular range. The reason being, most candidates hope to apply for nearby parts because of the drive and living arrangement while numerous spotters hope to talk with neighborhood candidates. By fitting a nearby graduate board particular in a range … Read More ...

Want to know how to get a job without any kind of work experience? It is not as difficult as you think. There are many people out there who have no work experience before they start applying for a job. Then, how do they do it?

A degree or some work experience does increase your chances of getting a job. The importance of a degree or work experience can not be questioned, but not having it is not the end of everything. Ultimately, the most important is the willingness and passion to pursue a particular career. There are jobs that demand work experience or related work experience. This is a job where you have to work hard. On the other hand, there are many ways in which you can get a job without work experience. The information below is some tips that will tell you how to get it.

Getting Read More ...